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Ahad, Januari 26, 2020

Virus wuhan @ coronovirus- story by a Chinese student

Rencana berikut disebarkan melalui whatsapp.


01/22/2020 03:21 PM

I am Chinese from Wuhan, no one can leave the city or enter the city, total cases here is 170 dead, over 5000 infected
We cannot leave the city anymore, we cannot allow others to enter the city, the army is guarding all exit-entry point. All forms of mass transit have been lockdowned, including the airport, they will let us all die here

I'm seen soldiers in full hazmat suits here in Hanyang, from my second floor appartment window, they are spraying something fluid on the streets via large trucks using water cannons

USING VPN, here it is not allowed to talk-criticize about the virus, jail sentence is sure if one does

Fang Zhong, within the institute people are very very alarmed of what will happen to us

I know personaly that at least two IOPCAS scientists have been put under house arrest, the virus is not what the WEST thinks, it is much more dangerous because it mutates from person to person, at first slightly, but could re-emmerge under total different form within weeks

Our collegues counted over 5000 cases within the city center as of yesterday 1pm

They will never let us leave the city, because the virus will spread within exponentially, doubling every two days, this is extremelly contagious, the virus stays in the air for 24 to 48 hours

People will panick, the sun rises very soon, most are unaware that the city is on total lockdown

In Baofeng sector alone, our collegues counted 1400 cases, many people have dissapeared, their loved ones searching for them in hospitals

I go to Central China University, I am from Changsha

Do you have somewhere stocked with supplies where you can shelter in place for a few weeks (or months) where you can wait it out? Is your family trapped in the city with you?
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 77547432
No, in China it is not possible, cameras see everything, we would be labelled as enemies and traitors, we must stay put and wait from Central Party orders

There is panic and choas in all are Wuhan hospitals, people are dissapearing with no trace and no bodies are found

Stay safe.What is the origin of this virus? I heard it originated from local food market.Probably some kind of animal was source
 Quoting: Anonymous Coward 78370173
They say here Guinea pigs

All my family is outside the city, so they will be ok, they live in rural area, we fear about the water, we are wondering if the water gets infected, what do we do?

No more N95 mask can be found since last Sunday, not one left in the city

When people wake up, the entire city will want to leave, it's going to be crazy, most people here are sleeping and don't know they can't exit the city

I see people leaving, in my apprtment block light are starting to blink, people are waking up and hearing the news, my neighbour is leaving, they say the roads are still free to get out of Wuhan, I don't know, but there will be huge traffic jams

The last planes are landing at the airport and the people don't know they won't be able to leave

Thank you, yes I'm staying put, the University will be closed I think

Convoy of large army trucks here in Yuanbaoshan area in Wuhan

That was nothing, he needed help with electric wires, no more power.
It is confirmed, army is securing road blocks at all entry exit points in Wuhan, they say it is a massive operation

There are many people living here who are very poor, with bad health, supplies won't be coming in anymore, or very little

Our running water system is very weak, if the workers cannot get transportion to the plant, it will shut down (I got the answer to the question earlier)

I am leaving with a small cart my neighbour gave me for helping him, going to buy as much food and drinking water as possible, my supermarket opens in 20 min


👁 👁

Selasa, Januari 14, 2020

Wabak Influenza Januari 2020

Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi. Sekarang isu hangat adalah berkaitan wabak influenza atau dalam kata orang putih influenza outbreak atau epidemik.

Di bawah aku copy paste info pasal influenza dari laman wab kementerian kesihatan. Boleh baca untuk info lanjut.
Soalan 1: Apakah Influenza?

Influenza merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus influenza yang menjangkiti salur pernafasan. Ia boleh menyebabkan gejala jangkitan yang ringan mahupun serius. Dalam keadaan tertentu, ia boleh mengancam nyawa individu yang dijangkiti.

Bagi negara-negara yang beriklim sederhana, kejadian wabak kerap kali berlaku semasa musim sejuk manakala bagi negara-negara tropika di sepanjang garisan Khatulistiwa (termasuk Malaysia), kejadian wabak berlaku sepanjang tahun tanpa mengikut musim yang tertentu.

Soalan 2: Apakah Gejala Influenza?

Secara kebiasaannya, gejala influenza bermula 1 atau 2 hari selepas dijangkiti, dan ianya meliputi 

Kerap kali jangkitan virus influenza sekadar menyebabkan gejala jangkitan yang ringan pada kebanyakan orang yang mempunyai tahap immuniti badan yang baik.

Soalan 3: Bagaimana Cara Penularan Influenza?

Influenza merebak dari seorang individu yang dijangkiti kepada seorang individu yang lain melalui titisan salur pernafasan (respiratory droplets) apabila bercakap, batuk atau bersin.

Titisan ini boleh mencemari permukaan dan menyebabkan jangkitan kepada individu yang menyentuh permukaan tersebut.

Soalan 4: Siapakah yang Berisiko Tinggi Mendapat Influenza?

Soalan 5: Adakah Terdapat Rawatan yang Khusus bagi Influenza?

Secara amnya, terdapat rawatan yang berkesan bagi merawat jangkitan influenza, dimana salah satu dari pilihan rawatan adalah dengan menggunakan ubat anti-viral; iaitu tertakluk kepada hasil pemeriksaan yang dijalankan oleh Pegawai Perubatan yang merawat. Rawatan segera adalah amat penting bagi mengelakkan komplikasi penyakit.

Soalan 6: Bagaimanakah Cara Mencegah Influenza?

Cara yang terbaik untuk mencegah jangkitan influenza adalah dengan mendapatkan vaksinasi secara tahunan bagi individu yang berumur 6 bulan dan ke atas di kebanyakan fasiliti kesihatan swasta.

Selain dari mendapatkan vaksin influenza, lain-lain langkah pencegahan yang boleh diamalkan adalah seperti berikut:

    • Amalkan tahap kebersihan diri yang tinggi seperti kerap membasuh tangan dengan menggunakan air dan sabun atau hand sanitizer;
    • Amalkan adab batuk yang baik dengan menutup mulut dan hidung apabila batuk atau bersin, sama ada dengan menggunakan tisu atau penutup mulut dan hidung (face mask);
    • Buang tisu atau penutup mulut dan hidung (face mask) ke dalam tong sampah bertutup sejurus selepas ianya digunakan;
    • Jarakkan diri dari individu yang bergejala, sekurang-kurangnya dalam jarak 1 meter;
    • Rehat di rumah dan elakkan mengunjungi tempat tumpuan ramai jika bergejala. Sekiranya perlu ke tempat awam, gunakan penutup mulut dan hidung (face mask).
Soalan 7: Mengapakah Vaksin Influenza Perlu diambil Secara Tahunan?

Vaksin influenza perlu diambil secara tahunan kerana formulasi vaksin influenza perlu dikemaskini berdasarkan saranan yang dikeluarkan oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) bagi memastikan kandungannya sepadan dengan virus influenza yang diunjurkan menular pada setiap musim. Ini disebabkan oleh perubahan yang berlaku pada struktur virus influenza secara berterusan dan proses ini dikenali sebagai antigenic drift.

 Disediakan oleh:
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia
Januari 2020

Oleh kerana Influenza telah merebak ke sekolah-sekolah, maka kat bawah adalah kenyataan media dari pihak kementerian kesihatan berkaitan penularan penyakit ini.

Apabila suatu penyakit melibatkan kanak-kanak, itu yang kita risaukan.